When we start data analysis of a product (website, APP, applet, smart hardware, etc.), many data indicators will be involved, but only the most executive list important core indicators can be called the first key indicators. The characteristic of the first key indicator is that it is directly related to the goal, and our work revolves around the data changes that drive executive list the first key indicator, and these data changes will also help us achieve the goal. For example, the number of new registered users of a website every day is closely related to the goal of acquiring new users.
We can use the number of registered users as executive list its first key indicator. It should be noted that although the first key indicator is the most important, it is not the only one. For example, for e-commerce websites, we pay attention to the number of orders executive list and the number of new user registrations; and the first key indicator is not constant. It will change with business changes. For example, in the early stage of our product, the most attention is to attract new users. When a large number of users are accumulated, we will increase the attention to user retention.
At this time, the first key indicator may be executive list Weekly User Active (WAU) or Monthly User Active (MAU). How to judge whether an indicator is the first key indicator? One criterion is: if we improve this indicator, will the long-term performance of the executive list product be improved? On websites or apps, examples of common first key indicators: corporate service websites: The number of registered leads; e-commerce retail and other pan-transaction executive list categories: the number of successful payments; users’ time and attention category: DAU or average stay time. 1. Primary indicators The first-level indicators refer to a series of indicators that directly contribute to the first.